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Data Analytics Certificate Course
Module Zero: Course Introduction
Welcome (2:39)
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Module One: Introduction to Data Analytics and the Data Analyst Role
Introduction to Data Analytics and the Data Analyst role (10:41)
Five Vs of Data (17:00)
Module Two: Data Analytics and Visualization using Tableau
Tableau Fundamentals - Introduction (9:45)
Tableau Fundamentals - Download, Installation and Datasets (1:07)
Tableau Fundamentals - Interface Walk-through (12:37)
Importing and Joining data sets in Tableau (6:29)
Tableau Report 1 - Customer per Shipment Country (7:42)
Creating Calculated Fields in Tableau (7:52)
Tableau Report 2 - Creating Forecasts in Tableau (4:27)
Tableau Report 3 - Revenue per Category (2:44)
Tableau Report 4 - Actual vs Target (4:01)
Tableau Dashboard 1 - Sales Dashboard (3:17)
Tableau Dashboard 2 (5:27)
Tableau Stories (14:08)
Module Three: Analyzing data using SQL on AWS RDS
Introduction to SQL (8:00)
Free AWS Account Setup (12:07)
AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) Setup (11:09)
Azure Data Studio - Download and Install (3:23)
Create Database, Schemas and Tables (4:43)
SQL Select Statement (6:56)
SQL WHERE Clause (6:05)
SQL ORDER BY Clause (1:57)
SQL Arithmetic Operators (3:33)
Concatenation in SQL (4:12)
SQL Comparison Operators (5:26)
LIKE operator & SQL Logical Operators (7:45)
SQL Group Functions (SUM, GROUPBY, MIN, ..) (14:55)
SQL Joins (15:03)
SQL SubQuery (7:23)
Window Functions (5:17)
SQL Create Statement (5:04)
SQL Insert Statement (9:10)
SQL Update Statement (7:09)
SQL Drop & Delete Statement (5:18)
SQL Views (7:31)
Shutting Down AWS RDS Instance (1:29)
Hands-on SQL Exercises (1:41)
Solution to SQL Exercises
Module Four: AWS Cloud Data Analytics
Introduction to Cloud Computing with AWS (11:06)
Free AWS Account Setup (Optional) (12:07)
AWS S3 - Hands-On (5:38)
AWS Glue - Hands-On (6:10)
AWS Athena - Hands-On (3:57)
Bonus Section - Career Mentoring Module
Introduction (13:51)
Data and AI Roles (6:58)
Career Growth Advice - CVs, Interviews & LinkedIn (20:06)
Career Growth Advice - Insider Tips (10:05)
Career Growth Advice - Experience (10:03)
Career Growth Advice - Your Network (8:49)
Career Growth Advice - Coaching (7:52)
Conclusion & Links (6:15)
Concatenation in SQL
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